Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any concerns please read this collection of frequently asked questions before contacting
us. If you are still unclear about something feel free to contact.
The best way to place an order or receive a quote is by filling out all the questions on the quote form. The more information that you can provide, the faster we are able to calculate your order and provide you with a quote.
Once you receive your quote, a 50% non-refundable deposit is required to officially book your order. Your cake is NOT booked until the payment is received, which leaves that day open to anyone who needs a cake. We accept Cashapp, Venmo, Zelle, Square, and Cash (Client can arrange a time to drop-off cash deposit).
Yes! We offer pick-up and delivery (delivery fees apply). We are currently an online bakery so the pick-up is located near 56th Ave and Tower Rd. in Green Valley Ranch (exact address will be disclosed upon completion of booking). The pick-up time is usually between 10:00am-11:00am on the day the client requested. However, the time can be changed if need be. A late pick-up fee is charged if no communication has occurred at least 1 hour prior. Our days are very busy, and we appreciate a heads up so that we can arrange our schedule accordingly.
Yes. I offer gluten-free, vegan, diary-free, soy free, etc. Whatever your allergen/ requests may be, it’s all just a matter of substituting one ingredient for another. -Piece of cake!
We sell our cupcakes in multiples of 6 (6,12,18, etc.). We prefer that you order at least one dozen, but we understand that sometimes you just want to indulge in cupcakes alone and 12 may be “too many”, if there’s any such thing.
We ask that you choose only 2 flavors per dozen but, if we have extra flavors on hand, we’d be happy to mix them in.